Sleepy Ridge Ranch BBQ Sauces
"Eat all you want. Work like you eat." Grandpa
Grandpa had many good quotes, but this one is my favorite. It pretty much sums up his view of hard work, and it certainly was the way both he and Grandma lived their lives. Grandma was an excellent cook and her meals were a great reward for a hard day's work. Our family is full of hard-workers! I spent a lot of my childhood at my grandparents' ranch, the original Sleepy Ridge Ranch in Spicewood, TX. Now my husband and I have our own Sleepy Ridge Ranch in beautiful Mason, TX.
I only remember Grandpa cooking 3 things in the kitchen: gruel, a lemon pound cake for Grandma on her birthday, and his BBQ sauce. He was making it before I was born and made it up until the last brisket he smoked. When I was grown he typed up the recipe for me on his typewriter and I've been making it ever since, especially at all the family get togethers. It's still our family's favorite.
Grandpa's Original recipe is where all the other flavors come from.
I hope you and your family enjoy Sleepy Ridge Ranch BBQ sauces. Eat all you want, I'll make more!
But don't forget to work like you eat!
Kathy Ross
Sleepy Ridge Ranch